Nursery Facilities

We are here to provide quality childcare to all parents so that they can feel at ease and content that their little ones are properly cared for.

Holiday Club

Children in Pre School who attend out of term time are automatically in the Holiday Club. We also welcome other children under eight who wish to use the Holiday Club.

Children will be able to use our computer area to play interactive games to help with their knowledge and understanding of ICT and further encouraged to play with our extensive range of resources and equipment both indoors and outdoors.

Homework Corner

Your child will be encouraged to complete homework tasks related to specific areas. Your child will be encouraged to complete homework tasks such as reading, writing or mathematics. They will have help from a qualified member of staff to complete their work.  This will provide you with the opportunity when arriving home to spend quality time and relaxation with your child.

Outdoor play

Your child will have the opportunity to explore our outside play area experiencing resources and equipment suitable for their age and stage of development.


At Dickory Docks, we plan every child’s day to make sure that it is fun and educational. All activities are carefully planned and are prepared appropriate to each age group.

Partnership with Parents

Daily feedback is given to parents and guardians as well as parent’s/curriculum evenings held twice a year.  Parent/guardian’s are encouraged to discuss their children’s progress regularly with staff, and our nursery has an “Open Door” Policy, recognising the importance of parents having trust and confidence in our care of their children.  

Our interactive website hosts a variety of educational games to support individual children’s learning at home with the support of parents/guardians.  Games are specifically chosen to meet the diverse backgrounds, culture, language and needs of all our children at Dickory Docks.  We strongly encourage feedback on how the interactive games have supported your child.  The information is used to form an assessment and next steps in your child’s development target which are chosen and discussed in partnership with all parent/guardians.


Your child will be offered the opportunity to play games sometimes adult led that are developmentally correct for your child’s age and stage of development. They are all designed to provide your child with your child’s learning and a bit of fun thrown in!!!


Your child will have a selection of books to look at, read and learn from whilst they are at the club. They will all be developmentally suitable for your children.

Physical activities

Your child will be encouraged to take part in physical play such as skipping, dancing, football and running games. We will try to help keep your child as healthy as possible!!

Your child will also be encouraged to join in with our extra curriculum activities which include Drama and Dance through Expressive Arts and Design.

Special Educational Needs

Dickory Docks has a strong commitment to children with Special Educational Needs and operates an inclusive environment for each child’s needs.  The Nursery has a designated Special Needs Coordinator who is fully qualified and vast experience of children with a number of health and educational needs.  All children are encouraged to take part in Nursery activities.

Meals and Snacks

The Nursery has achieved the Healthy Eating Award.

We have also been rated the highest grade 5H from Environmental Health.

Menus are displayed at various prominent places. We aim to provide well balanced and nutritional meals with an emphasis on healthy eating and healthy lifestyles. All meals are cooked in our own kitchen.

Staff should be informed if your child has any allergies or dietary requirements during the admission procedure.

We use Hungry Moose nursery catering for Lunches and Teas. The menus are updated regularly and displayed around the nursery.

Breakfast commences at approximately 8 O’clock, we provide a range of cereals for your child to choose from.

Snack Commences at approximately 10 O’clock, we provide two different types of either fruit or vegetables, and also Water, Milk options.

Lunch commences at approximately 11.40 O’clock, the children will be given a hot meal, and a dessert.

Afternoon snack commences at approximately 2.15 pm.

Tea time we provide a light snack at tea time at about 4 O’clock

Drinks include water and milk are available throughout the day.

Parents who wish to provide their own drinks for their child must only send in cartons or plastic bottles, for Health and Safety reasons. Under no circumstances are cans or glass bottles to be on the nursery premises. We promote drinking water and healthy drinks as necessary.

Designated members of staff hold a current Food and Hygiene certificate.

Children’s religious and cultural needs are catered for upon request. Different foods and meals are incorporated into the weekly menus from around the world offering children new experiences and taste and also reflecting our setting’s multi- cultural diversity.

Children have access to water throughout the day. Children are offered different fruits every day.

*Please note that if your child should be late coming into nursery please telephone before 10 am so that a dinner can be reserved.

Children sit with their friends to enjoy stimulating meal times that are made special by a strong family atmosphere.

The Menu is provided by an outside catering company and consists of a 3 week rotational menu. They have tried to provide a balanced menu, which changes every term and the latest one is available from the office. Please note that changes to the menu can occur with notice on the day for various reasons.

We monitor the menus to ensure they provide hot nutritional meals to young children to meet dietary needs. We can cater for children who have certified allergies and can cater for children whose parents have a particular preference. We provide vegetarian meals to children where when required. We must be aware of this information as we have to relay this to the catering company. Where there is any religious preference such as Halal, Kosher, we cannot guarantee the availability so a vegetarian option is advised.

Snack is provided in the morning and afternoon to all children in addition to the meals consisting of Milk, Water, and Fruit, which is seasonal.